On 3/23/23 11:25, Paolo M wrote:
Here enclosed, two lyx docs:  expo2 and expo3 differing just in one (commented out) line in their preamble:
expo2: %\lfoot{  }
expo3: %\lfoot{ è  }

Both docs produce their pdf file but the weird thing is that, in expo3, picture cannot be previewed in lyx.
How can a comment in preamble affect preview?

Any ideas?

thank you

Paolo M.

--- Paolo M. Pumilia - 347 231 54 96.

I'm not exactly sure why it happens, but when LyX tries to render the picture into a graphic image, the Python script fails because both epstopdf and pdflatex choke on the accented symbol, despite it being in a comment.

One solution is to go into Document > Settings... > Language and switch the encoding from "Language default" to Unicode (UTF-8). Save the changed document, close it and reload it, and the image is previewed.

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