
I have a very strange problem in which the successful processing of a
simple LyX file to a dvi file depends on the location of the LyX file and
the location of the png image file it contains.  If I move either the LyX
file or the png file to different directories the files process correctly
to a dvi file.

I'm trying to track down the cause of the problem.  If I look in the LyX
temporary directory, eg, /tmp/lyx_tmpdir.../lyx_tmpbuf0, it seems that the
png file is not being converted to an eps file for the problematic path
names (the eps file in the /tmp/lyx_tmpdir.../lyx_tmpbuf0 has zero size).
This is causing LaTeX to fail, and then LyX to fail.

I think the problem is associated with a recent update of deb packages for
imagemagick-6-common and libimage-magick-perl as everything worked fine a
few days ago before the update.  However, if I navigate into the
/tmp/lyx_tmpdir.../lyx_tmpbuf0 directory I can run

  convert long_file_name.png long_file_file.eps

to successfully create an eps file from the png file, so I've no idea why
convert seems to be failing when it's run by LyX.

Can anyone suggest how I might be able to find the root of the problem.



PS.  I'm using Kubuntu 22.04 TLS and LyX Version 2.3.6 with Qt Version
(run-time): 5.15.3
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