
I'm using LyX for university and I'm trying to write a document in Hebrew
but I had to switch to using babel and LuaLaTeX due to some annoying
packages like so:
1. Document Settings > Language > Language package > none
2. Latex preamble:

\usepackage[bidi=basic, layout=tabular, provide=*]{babel}

\babelprovide[main, import]{hebrew}


3. File > Export > PDF (LuaTeX)

Once I try to export, I "undefined control sequence" on the following
commands: \beginL, \endL, \beginR, \endR, \R, \L

It seems like LyX adds these around numbers and words in english.

To mitigate this issue I tried to change the document language to English
under Document settings > language and also ctrl+a > right click > language
> english which then compiles successfully and looks correct thanks to

But when I do that, the text in LyX is backwards and I can't work like
that, so I have to switch the language to english every time I want to
export then switch back to hebrew when I want to edit my document.

Another problem is that when I switch to english LyX swaps the parenthesis
so they are swapped in the final PDF.

It's not a very fun way to use LyX.

Is there a way to tell LyX to not insert those commands? Or somehow
disassociate the document display language from the compile language? (And
set the compile to english and display to hebrew).

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