
> > I have Xfig 3.2.3 patchlevel beta-1 (Protocol 3.2) and when I try
> > to export eps I get the following error message:
> >    Unknown graphics language eps
> >    Known languages are: acad box epic eepic eepicemu gif ibmgl
> >       jpeg latex pcx pic pitex
> What is your version of fig2dev?

> What happens if you try to run it from the
> command line (e.g. fig2dev -L eps myfile.fig > myfile.eps)?

It works. I can use transfig to build the Makefile or just

> Is postscript generally working on your system? (e.g., can you see the
> postscript preview in LyX?)

Yes, it's working. I'm also using LaTex and things like 'dvips',
'ghostview' work perfectly well. I can also see the ps preview in
LyX. I'll download xfig-3.2.3d and transfig-3.2.3d from
www.xfig.org and try again.

> Look at www.lyx.org for new versions.

Ok. Thank you.


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