Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Sheldon" == Sheldon Hearn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Sheldon> I'd like to include an appendix that provides the SQL code
> Sheldon> that generates the database tables that support the system.
> If the text is in a file, the best is to use Insert>Include and check
> 'verbatim'.
> Otherwise, you can use the LyX-Code environment, but it is a bit
> buggy.

You may also use a pretty-printer for your code. It will put some
keywords in bold, etc. The SQL is supported by the  "listings" package.
To use it, write your latex preamble:

Then, you just have to write in red latex mode, where you want in your
lyx article,:

If you don't have "listings" installed, you can find it (with the
documentation) here:

I think the "lgrind" package also supports SQL, and can also be found on
the CTAN.


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