----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 3:53 PM
Subject: Re: LyX + WinME + MikTeX

Hi Christoph,
Thank you very much for your help. I got it much sooner but had to come home to try your points. Here is the outcome.
My installation of LyX dates back to yesterday :) so quite up-to-date.
I got the required files for LyX, put them in a dir and ran setup(from cygwin) and asked it to install from that dir and it recognized the existence of all packages except GS403 !
Now, I did the same to see if it would change anything and it did not recognize anything to be installed! Does the setup check to see if those packages are already installed or not?
Then I manually installed the GS as you said. Excuse me if I am not that good in BASH, but how do I run a shell script like:
SetupGS403.sh ?
I tried a few ways and it didn't run :(
Anyway, the main problem is to follow.
When I installed MikTeX a few weeks ago, their setup program was not complete or for some other reason it did not allow me to do a full install, well when I asked it to do so, it just didn't find any FTP from which I could download so I did a fairly full install :) To be sure that it was not the problem with my case, I reinstalled MikTeX 2.1 today which worked fine and it is now a full full installation.
BUT, the main problem is still there! I open LyX, it seems to be all right, I import a LaTeX file, it creates its own lyx version out of it and then it is the conversion time. I ask it to convert to DVI, PS, whatever, and it says it is doing it and done and so on and so forth (if I manually do not create the DVI (out of LyX), it complains when I ask to export to PS, because no DVI is there but if it is there, it says done and STILL nothing is produced, no DVI, no PS, no PDF.
I am really clueless because it does not complain at all and does not give me a hint of what is missing. At first, when the original configuration was there, it did not find windvi which is normal and I changed it to YAP and it did no more complaints but it could not do the conversion either case!
When I ask to view the dvi that I produced outside LyX, it searches for it in:
and not in:
and when I ask to export to DVI, it creates an EMPTY file in the tmp dir, 1.tex.dep
As for the styles, first of all, I've to say that there has never been a LOG file in LyX! I guess it should be there when I try to export a DVI but under no circumstances, a log file was created!
I also copied all those STY files and ran the initexmf -u but nothing changed. My PATH is all right because WinEdt does anything that it is supposed to do (latex, dvips, pdflatex, etc) without complaining.
Anyone please could help me to see where I am going wrong?
Thanks so much for all your attention, Christoph and others as well.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2001 11:51 PM
Subject: RE: LyX + WinME + MikTeX

If you download all the necessary files from the LyX for Win32 page (including the ghostscript4.03 - version there) there should be no problem.
You can extract ghostscript manually by copying gs-4.03.tar.gz to your Cygwin root directory and executing "tar -xvzf gs-4.03.tar.gz".
Of course you need a Ghostscript - Version too for Windows (try Aladdin Ghostscript)
After that you have to run the "SetupGS403.sh" from a shell within your X-Server or Cygwin.
Then start LyX and exit. Now a "preferences" file is in your ".lyx" - Directory in your home directory.
Insert the following line into the preferences file
   \ps_command "/apps/gs4.03/bin/gs"
After that LyX should be able to display EPS files.
For making or exporting dvi or ps you'll need to install the FULL MiKTeX 2.1 version. Otherwise there are several *.sty - files mising. You can download them from
After downloading and saving within your localtexmf directory you should run "initexmf -u".
If you have set the PATH for MiKTeX binaries (C:\Programme\MiKTeX\miktex\bin) correctly then everything should work fine. It's very helpful to have a look at the latex - log - file. (View --> Latex logfile). There you can see whether are STY files or something is missing or not.

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