Hi Andre,

> You could try to create a macro  \def\mylimits{\limits} in your preamble
> (or an equivalent \newcommand or math macro)

OK, that works. 

> This way you will lose the visual feedback, but the version on paper is ok.

This seems to be a bug in LyX. I entered the following in LyX:
When I view the DVI, it is shown correctly on both formulas. If I save
and close the LyX-file and open it with a text editor, this text is 
exactly like I wrote it. Now I open it again with LyX,
"\limits" isn't shown in both formulas, but x is directly under the
integral, like it should be, not so with \lim. When I open the
Lyx-file now in the editor, it shows the following: 

It seems like LyX tries to show the \limits on the \lim, this doen't work
(for LyX) and \limits is removed.

Thanks for your help, it works fine with the workaround using the macro.


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