, 2002 at 10:30:01AM -0600, Ben Luey wrote:

> Two probably basic questions -- I want to cross-reference my figures.
> I'm using lyx 1.2 from cvs. I did insert float, then insert figure. The
> lyx tutorial says to put a label at the end of the caption in the figure,
> but since the caption is imbeded with the insert image (the caption is in
> the dialog box) I don't know how to do that. I've tried putting a label
> everywhere (before and after the image, highlight the float-figure, etc,
> but the reference number is always "??".

After inserting the figure in the float, press return and change the environment
to "Caption" (right at the bottom of the combo box at the top left)

The dialog box caption is for sub figures ...


"Unless everyone else on earth is attending meetings I haven't been told
        - /. paranoia at its finest

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