Ery Djunaedy wrote:
> Hi,
> I just installed Lyx 1.2. But apparently I could not see many document
> class. These are the classes available in "document layout" window:
> - article (6 of them)
> - book (2 of them)
> - letter (2 of them)
> - report
> - seminar
> - slide
> I could not open my old letters written with g-brief-en layout, for
> example. The strange thing is, that all the layouts file do exist in
> layouts directory.
> Something wrong with latex?
> Regards,
> Ery

I have a similar problem. I am running Lyx 1.2.0a under cygwin on win2k. 
  I recently did a new installation of 1.2.0a and upgraded another 
machine  to 1.2.0a. I can not find any layout files in 
home/Administrator or home/user directories but in 
C:\cygwin\usr\local\share\lyx\layouts all layouts are available. Could I 
just copy the layouts form the share directory to my home directories 
C:\cygwin\home\user\.lyx\layouts ?


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