On Sun, Aug 18, 2002 at 03:24:41PM +0200, Philipp Kuster wrote:
> My figures in the document do include the name of the figure and the source. 
> This looks like this: 
> Caption: 'Name of the figure', 'Source' [...]
> I can't change this format, because of the preferences of my prof.
> In the list of figures it's showing me the whole line, including the Source.
> Of Course there should just be seen the name of the figure, excluding the 
> Source. Hope somebody can help me with this problem. Thanks in advance.

Copy the file stdlayouts.inc to ~/.lyx/layouts/, and add to it
(at the end) the following lines: 

Style ShortCaption
  CopyStyle             Caption
  LatexName             shortcaption
  LabelString           "Short Caption:"
  LabelType             Static

Then, before each caption, insert a shortcaption paragraph that contains
only 'Name of the figure'.

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