Thank you for your previous feedback.

I have since found out that the problems with my labels does not seem to be due to the captions. Instead, the last label in the document doesn't seem to work properly.

Say I want to reference the the last equation in the document. It will appear like this:

As shown in equation 6.8.
y=x (6.8)

However, if I change the label (i.e. what I call it), then it no longer works.
As shown in equation ??.
y=x (6.8)

Even if delete the entire equation and type it all in again it won't work.
But then if I add another equation after it, equation 6.8 will work, but 6.9 won't:
As shown in equation 6.8 and ??.
y=x (6.8)
a=b (6.9)

Then if I delete equation 6.9, equation 6.8 will appear correctly.

If I haven't confused you, could you please explain why this is happening?

Many thanks,
Paul Medwell

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