Hi Timothy,

the solution is not nice (you have to break lines of the title by
hand), but I believe that it could serve your purpose. You can
fiddle with the value of \my@lenaftno, but I am afraid, this is
as good as you can get it.

BTW, when I was in that, I have deleted date in the definition
(so you do not have to fiddle with the non-breaking space in Date

Timothy J. Garrett wrote:
> May I ask why Koma-script is best for the article class?

a) I am using it, so I know, how to change it :-). (though you
   can do similar things with the standard classes by redefining
   the command \maketitle from the standard article.cls)
b) It has been made with typographical rules in mind (Lesslie
   Lamport is a great programmer, but he did not know much about
c) If you want serif characters in section headlines, redefine

Have a nice day,


Matej Cepl,
Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
The difference between death and taxes is death doesn't get worse
every time Congress meets
    -- Will Rogers

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\layout Title

Effects of Aerosols on the Properties
of Arctic Clouds
\layout Author

Timothy J.
\begin_inset Foot
collapsed true

\layout Standard

\emph on 
Corresponding author address: 
\emph default 
Timothy J.
 Garrett, 135 S 1460 E, Room 819 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0110; e-mail:

\begin_inset Formula $\,{}^{1}$

, Xiquan Dong
\begin_inset Formula $^{2}$

, Gerald G.
\begin_inset Formula $^{1}$

, Chuanfeng Zhao
\begin_inset Formula $^{1}$


\begin_inset Formula $^{1}$

University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah

\begin_inset Formula $^{2}$

University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, North Dakota
\layout Section

\layout Standard

\family sans 
Aerosols in the Arctic follow a seasonal cycle.
 Concentrations accumulate in winter and spring, reaching a maximum in April,
 rapidly dissipating during summer.
 It has long been recognized that high springtime aerosol concentrations,
\begin_inset Quotes eld

Arctic Haze
\begin_inset Quotes erd

, are due to anthropogenic activities.
 More recently it has been suggested that Arctic Haze might indirectly alter
 the surface radiation balance by indirectly increasing cloud albedo (Twomey,
 1991), or emissivity (Garrett et al., 2002).
 The latter effect may be particularly important during spring, when aerosol
 concentrations are high, clouds are sufficiently thin to be gray-bodies,
 and downwelling longwave flux dominates the surface radiation balance.
 Evaluating the effects of aerosols on downwelling surface flux during the
 Arctic spring is difficult since there exist very few 
\emph on 
in situ 
\emph default 
measurements during for this period.
 However, detailed surface sampling and remote sensing measurements at the
 North Slope of Alaska (NSA) CMDL and ARM laboratories near Barrow, Alaska
 allow investigation of this issue in the current absence of field programs.
\layout Section

Shortwave and Infrared Cloud Susceptibility
\layout Standard

\family sans 
Twomey (1991) derived an expression for the shortwave 
\begin_inset Quotes eld

\begin_inset Quotes erd

\begin_inset Formula $S_{SW}$

 cloud albedo 
\begin_inset Formula $\alpha$

 to changes in droplet concentration 
\begin_inset Formula $N$

\begin_inset Formula \begin{equation}


 From this they showed that for the most pristine clouds (e.g.
\begin_inset Formula $N=10\, cm^{-3}$

), the addition of just one 
\begin_inset Formula $CCN$

 per cubic centimeter might result in an increase in 
\begin_inset Formula $A$

 by 1%.
 For arctic stratus during summer, values of 
\begin_inset Formula $S_{SW}$

 range from 
\begin_inset Formula $0.6\times10^{-3}\, cm^{-3}$

\begin_inset Formula $2.2\times10^{-3}\, cm^{-3}$

 (Hegg et al., 1996).
\layout Standard

\family sans 
In general the energy balance within a cloud can be expressed by 
\begin_inset Formula \begin{equation}
\alpha+\varepsilon+t=1\label{eq: energy}\end{equation}


\begin_inset Formula $\varepsilon$

 is the emissivity and 
\begin_inset Formula $t$

 the transmittance of the layer.
 If multiple scattering is ignored (i.e.
\begin_inset Formula $\alpha=0$

), the IR emissivity can be approximated as 
\begin_inset Formula \begin{equation}
\varepsilon=1-\exp\left(-\beta Q_{abs}N\bar{r}^{2}\Delta 


\begin_inset Formula $\beta$

 is the diffusivity factor, 
\begin_inset Formula $Q_{abs}$

the absorption efficiency, and 
\begin_inset Formula $\Delta z$

 the depth of the layer.
 For very small droplets (
\begin_inset Formula $r\simeq5\,\mu m)$

\begin_inset Formula $Q_{abs}$

 increases nearly linearly with size.
 However, the dependence tapers rapidly as size increases.
 In clean clouds with larger droplets, 
\begin_inset Formula $\beta Q_{abs}$

 is nearly constant (Garrett et al., 2002).
 An analogous expression to (
\begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{eq:swsusc}


) for the longwave susceptibility of cloud emissivity to changes in droplet
\begin_inset Formula $S_{LW}$

\begin_inset Formula \begin{equation}


\begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{cap: depsdN}


\begin_inset Formula $S_{LW}$

 as a function of 
\begin_inset Formula $N$

\begin_inset Formula $\varepsilon$

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