
when I have one of those floatflt figures, the ones where text is supposed to 
wrap around them, right at the end of the document, just before the bibtex 
bibliography, the figure ends up getting laid out ON TOP of the bibliography, 
on the bibliography page. Very strange sight. It seems it's even trying to 
wrap the bibliography around the picture, but it only gets to move the title, 
the word Bibliography, and then everything goes to hell. 

It's especially strange since I have a page break right before the 
bibliography so it should be on its own page no matter what.

The extended features doc DID say that the package was kinda fragile though, 
so, I guess I shoulda seen it comin'. But if someone knows a way around this 
that is not a huge pain with writing tons of weird LaTeX code and exporting 
to and fro... then don't be shy.


A terrorist is a man with a bomb but without an air force.

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