Angus Leeming wrote:

We jump through a lot of hoops to ensure that your BibTeX data base will
continue to work if it lives in a path with spaces. I don't see any reason
at all to add a heap of fragile code to cover the .bst file too.

In my view this one get's filed under WONTFIX.

To quote the immortal Smokey Robinson, I'll second that (e)motion. I'm pretty sure that MiKTeX installation instructions specify that the texmf and localtexmf trees be space-free, and in any case (a) it's a good idea and (b) it doesn't impinge on the use of "My Documents" and other space-laden paths to store work files. So if .bst files are installed under either texmf or localtexmf, that solves the problem (with no recoding, debugging, etc.).


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