Johan Tegin wrote:

> Hi,
> I have this .cls file that defines the figure captions to start with
> "Fig." instead of "Figure". Running the file using LaTeX, the output is
> correct, but when using LyX, the full word is used instead of the
> abbreviation.
> This behaviour occurs since the latex output generated by LyX is
> slightly different from the original LaTeX file. "LyX writes
> \documentclass[onesided,english]{ifacmtg} where the original sample

I am pretty sure that there is another difference: \usepackage{babel}

> contains just \documentclass{ifacmtg}". (Quoting Paul Rubin. Many
> thanks!) It seems the additional language option triggers the use of the
> full word instead of the abbreviation.
> One could export to latex, edit that file and then run latex. But it
> would be nice not have to do that. So...
> 1. Is there away to avoid adding the options? ([onesided,english])

I don't know of any.

> 2. Why do these options force the use of the full word instead of the
> abbreviation?

It is probably only the option "english", together with the babel package.

> 3. Are there any other ways to change the figure caption from "Figure"
> to "Fig."? (preferrably without having to edit the .cls file.)

You can write something like this in the preamble (untested):

% redefine \figurename after babel is loaded

The best option IMO would be to make the .cls file babel aware.


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