john wrote:

n Mon, Mar 27, 2006 at 03:28:57AM +0200, Sara Stymne wrote:
If I put the page break before or between the floats the
pages get right, but then the page with the last table gets the empty
heading, and the library page gets a normal heading. Or neither of
gets any headings if I use pagestyle{empty}.

Have you tried putting the \thispagestyle{empty} at the end of the
"library page"?

I have tried that, and putting it in the middle of the page to, but it is not working, because I get an extra blank page before the library page and empty gets applied to that, and the library page still gets headings. I get this blank page regardless of using \clearpage or \cleardoublepage. If I use the LyX menue page break between the tables I do not get the extra blank page, but then \thispagestyle{empty} is applied to the last table page instead of the library page.


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