On Thu, Mar 30, 2006 at 11:54:10AM +0200, Karsten Heymann wrote:
> Oisin C. Feeley schrieb:
> >I've been trying to change citations throughout a document from
> >e.g.  Millar (1998, 80) to (Millar 1998:80)
> >
> >I'm using the natbib package with author-year. 
> Dirty hack: Put the following in the preamble:
> \let\citep=\citet

I like that suggestion!  It has the advantage that I could change the style 
from one single place.

> Or look how those cite commands are written inside the lyx file source
> and do a search&replace there.

That's what I ended up doing (just a vi: # s/citet/citep/g ).  I prefer being 
able to make a single change in the source file though so I think your first 
solution is cleaner.  I tried passing options to natbib with 
"\usepackage[round,comma,authoryear]{natbib} in the preamble, but LyX choked on 
it because natbib is being called somewhere /prior/ to the preamble being 
processed.  I wonder could I use a \renewcommand in the preamble to fix that?...

Thanks for the suggestions,


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