Sebastian Schetter wrote:
I get the same error (well in German)!
Using: Win2k, LyXWin141Complete-2-01.exe
MikTex was installed separately before.

Any hints or workarounds?

This sounds like the fifth bullet under installation notes at, except that it's not supposed to happen with the complete installer. (Well, it's not *supposed* to happen at all, but it's *particularly* not supposed to happen with Uwe's installer.)

If you have sh.exe installed in the LyX bin directory, then try opening a command prompt in the bin directory and running 'sh configure' there. If it works, you should be able to start LyX; if not, you should get some sort of error message.

If sh is not there, and if you have msys installed elsewhere, the wiki bullet applies, and you may need to add the msys bin directory to your command path. (Easy test: open a command prompt anywhere and run 'sh --version'. If you get an unrecognized command message, you need to update your command path.)

If you don't have sh.exe installed anywhere, then you need to download and install msys.


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