Steve Litt wrote:

Now that we have one system that shows the symptom and another that doesn't, we have this problem where we want it!

I thought we wanted it gone? :-)

I used the following commands to create test.dvi, and test.pdf from test.lyx:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ lyx --export dvi test.lyx
Document exported as DVI to file `~/test.dvi'
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ dvips -o test.dvi
This is dvips(k) 5.95a Copyright 2005 Radical Eye Software (
' TeX output 2006.05.22:1441' ->
<>. [1] [1] [2] [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ ps2pdf

I've uploaded each of these four files to so that anyone can download them and see whether their system displays this symptom. Once again, the symptom is that the pdf file does not display two page 1's in the pdf browser, whereas the ps file correctly displays two page 1's using gv, and the dvi correctly displays 2 page 1's using xdvi. The PDF also fails to show 2 page 1's using Adobe acroread.

Paul, if you could do the same things and attach the same files, then I can go through your files and see at what point I can inject one of your files to cure my symptom. And you can inject my files and see at what point you can reproduce the symptom. Doing that, we'll have the exact step at which things go wrong, and fixing the problem will be trivial.

If anyone else would like to try it, you're more than welcome.

I'm happy to oblige, but I'm also confused. I downloaded the four files you posted, and the PDF file has pages numbered i, 1, 2, just like the DVI and PS files. Where's the problem?


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