
since on one hand people are all the time asking for layouts for 
this&that and on the other hand there are surely a lot of people who 
have already written their own layout files I'm wondering how we could 
share those layout files.

Should we simply add our layout files to the LyX wiki 
(http://wiki.lyx.org/Layouts/Layouts)? If yes, then why are there 
almost no layout files available? (I hope I'm not stepping on anyone's 
toes by asking this question.) Is there a policy for adding layout 
files (e.g. only layout files which don't require homebrewn style or 
class files) which many homebrewn layout files probably don't comply 

Anyway, I'm just asking because the layout file(s) I've used for my 
thesis might be of general interest because they are for scrbook + 
ntheorem + enumerate. I've already sent them to the list a few days ago 
(at least I think I've sent them to the list) but it's probably easier 
for others to get them from the Wiki then from the list archive.


Ingo Klöcker
Lehrstuhl A für Mathematik
RWTH Aachen
52056 Aachen

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