Dear Jordi,

On 06-13, Jordi Tritlla i Cambra wrote:
>       While working with the 1.4.0pre2 mac 
> versions, I cold manage to introduce EPS figures 
> into the text. It worked perfectly, and I was 
> able to see the images in the screen without 
> problems. Now, I changed to 1.4.1 and catch up 
> the same document (a report) in order to continue 
> with it. I produced a couple of PDF documents 
> using DVI and pdflatex. It worked beautifully. 
> But, going back to the document I got in every 
> figure a message about an error in converting the 
> figure into a loadable form, while in the last 
> version I could see the EPS documents without 
> problems. Any suggestion???? 
> if anyone can figure how to see again the figures 
> in the text... Of course, I can change the format 
> to JPEG or whatever, but the number of figures is 
> really huge (>150).

Just speaking as a user (I'm no expert on lyx), things to 
try (if the problem still persists): 
(1) does it work if you (as a test) first convert one 
figure to jpg? (does that figure than show up?) 
(2) in a thread on this list started by Bruce Pourciau 
7 June 2006 it was turned out that having special
characters such as the apostrophe (') in file names 
might present difficulties in 1.4.* after upgrade from 
(3) at last, it might be helpful to post the exact wording of 
the "message about an error" that you mentioned

As a last resort, if you really would need to convert all 150 
figures something like "for j in *.jpg; do convert $j $j.jpg; done" 
should do the job if you have the convert tool (ImageMagick
package) and a bash-compatible shell on MacOS.


Holger Blasum +49-174-7313590 (gsm) GnuPG 1024D/ACDFC3B769DC1ED66B47

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