Steve Litt wrote:
Hi all,

After Richard Heck talked about LatexType=Command in the LyX Title environment thread, I started experimenting and got it to work. I have a LyX and LaTeX breakout environment (breakout is the name of the environment) which prints in a shaded box, with a label. However, the label isn't hard coded, but instead is contained in a variable called breakoutstring.

I had previously been setting breakoutstring with ERT before the section of breakout environment, but I don't like ERT. So, taking Richard Heck's advice, I made a BreakoutTitle LyX environment whose LatexType is command, and whose LatexName is setBreakoutstring. setBreakoutstring is simply a LaTeX (actually TeX) command to set the variable breakoutstring:


I tried first to do it with \newcommand, but couldn't get it to compile. If anyone can show me how, please do.

Anyway, the following is the code for BreakoutTitle:

# Breakout title style definition
Style BreakoutTitle
  Margin                Static
  LatexType             Command
  InTitle               1
  LatexName             setBreakoutstring
  ParSkip               0.4
  ItemSep               0
  TopSep                1
  BottomSep             0.0
  ParSep                1
  Align                 Center
  AlignPossible         Center
  LabelType             No_Label

  # standard font definition
Font Size Large



And in case anyone wants to see it, here's the code for Breakout:

# ### Labeled shadowed box for Breakouts ###
Style Breakout
  LatexType             Environment
  LatexName             breakout_l
AlignPossible Left
  LeftMargin            "MMMMM"
  RightMargin           "MMMMM"
  ParSkip               0.7
  ParSep                0.7
  TopSep                0.7
  BottomSep             0.7


In the preceding, shadowbox is just a home grown LaTeX environment to put the text in shading, and bring its borders in.

Obviously, now that I've done this, doing subtitles with an environment instead of ERT is pretty easy. Hope some of you can use this.

Richard -- thanks for the tip. I've been trying to do this since 2001.




Thanks for sharing this. I'll beat Christian to the punch :-) and suggest putting on the wiki as a tip.


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