Karin E wrote:
i just installed Lyx 1.4.1 for windows with the installer package from wiki.lyx.

Which version of the installer did you use? There are two linked from the wiki, one that installs just LyX (and will take you to the download sites for anything else you need) and the other that installs everything you lack.

i tried to convert the tutorial to postscript, just for checking if everything
works. I got the following errors:

A number should have been here; I inserted `0'.
(If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number,
look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.)

I can't reproduce this, but I used the first installer, and I believe there are differences in the help files (or at least in the images they contain).

and second, there are problems running python (error ocurred running

how can I get Lyx work properly? I updated Miktex, and tried reconfigeration of
Lyx. Didn´t work.

Do you have python installed, and is it on either your system command path or the LyX path prefix (Tools->Preferences->Paths->PATH Prefix)? You can test by typing python -V at a command prompt. (You'll have to cd to the Python directory, or use <path to python>\python -V, if it's not already on the command path.)


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