Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
Am Freitag, 23. Juni 2006 18:13 schrieb Paul A. Rubin:

Hi Paul (I am sure your mother was right..)
Disclaimer:  I have not done this myself (being an English-speaker)
(although the Brits might disagree).  Theoretically, if you run latex
against makebst.tex and choose merlin as the master file, you should be
asked what language to use. The default choice is merlin (which means
English), but you should answer german.mbs, spanish.mbs or whatever
language you need.  If you want English, the default should be
merlin.mbs and it should work.  (There is an english.mbs if you want to
try that.)

Does that help?

yes, it does, but how do I make changes in the dbj file effective (I want to avoid running the latex makebst again). With other words, how do I get my.bst from my.dbj? Or do I make the changes in bst directly? But what is than the function of the dbj?


The .dbj file is a batch job that is run to generate the .bst file. If you edit the .dbj file directly, just run tex against it to get the new .bst file.


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