Hi, all,

I'm currently producing documents using LyX, in which graphics are often XFig figures. I like the fact that LaTeX fonts can be embedded in such figures, and look great when the final document is produced*. However, if such a figure is relatively complicated (for example, a large color plot of experimental data in which there's lots of small detail), the final .pdf (using pdflatex) from LyX usually has quite a bit of detail lost in the figure (small details seem "averaged out" and therefore blurry), whereas a .dvi or postscript document usually seems to retain most of the detail of the original graphic. Is this because of a convoluted conversion path, where at some (maybe more than one) step, some graphics detail is lost? Is there a way to possibly fix this?

               Curtis O.

* The original .eps figures are often produced using Mathematica. I then run these through pstoedit and make final adjustments (often none) in XFig. But because (I think) these figures aren't *originally* produced in XFig, the "start XFig with LaTeX fonts and 'special' flag" setting makes no difference when looking at the figures in XFig. NEW documents have the "special" flag and "LaTeX" fonts enabled; pre-existing documents do not. Therefore I run the final figures through another Mathematica script which simply turns all the text to LaTeX fonts (just sets one of the flags in the text portions of the XFig file to "0" ). If anyone has a better (regex?) way to do this, I'd love to hear about it!

 Down with categorical imperative!


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