From: Jean-Pierre Chretien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Jean-Pierre Chretien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Flow Chart Drawing For LaTeX/LyX
Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2006 14:38:52 +0200 (MEST)

>>Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2006 11:58:15 +0100
>>From: "Paul Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: Flow Chart Drawing For LaTeX/LyX
>>On 8/3/06, Paul Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>To illustrate what I said, I am sending a small svg picture with a
>>math formula produced with LaTeX.

Thank you for this example.
To illustrate the difference in handling between Xfig and Inkscape, here is a beamer
slide with both formulas:
 SVG integral is Paul's saved as eps
 Xfig integral is an external inset of the formula in a rectangle.
As you may see, the beamer fonts are respected in the xfig inset.

If I add in preamble mathserif option to the beamer document class,
I get the second result.

IMHO, xfig is more powerful, as there is no need to change the fig file
to adapt to document default changes to familiy, series and shape.


I'm not trying to side-track this discussion, but there's a bit of an issue I've had with XFig itself (before I incorporate its figures into LyX, which works fabulously). I can start XFig so that all NEW text has the "special" flag and LaTeX fonts. However, if I want to edit a file in XFig which has been created elsewhere (I often produce plots in .eps format in, say, Mathematica, then use pstoedit to turn it into XFig format), the fonts, of course, don't have these special flags. I have written a Mathematica program to correctly set these flags in the XFig files, but one has to have Mathematica!. So my question is:

Is there a simple program to set these things (special flag, LaTeX fonts, perhaps some nice feature like scale-fonts-to-60%-of-original-size)? Is there some switch in pstoedit that I'm missing? Or is there a simple regex way from bash? I'll eventually get another way figured out; it's not a pressing concern.

        Curtis O.

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