Hi folks
    I am using Lyx 1.4.2 on Ubuntu Dapper. When I try and insert a table
of contents into the file, and view a DVI or export, I get the following

A number should have been here; I inserted `0'.
(If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number,
look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.)


Dimensions can be in units of em, ex, in, pt, pc,
cm, mm, dd, cc, bp, or sp; but yours is a new one!
I'll assume that you meant to say pt, for printer's points.
To recover gracefully from this error, it's best to
delete the erroneous units; e.g., type `2' to delete
two letters. (See Chapter 27 of The TeXbook.)

In terms of understanding the TeXbook, I am rather slow :-0 and simply
have not been able to work out what is needed to fix the problem.
    Is this a lyx bug? And what can I do, if anything, to get a ToC in
my document.


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