This is my first post to this list. I'm trying to write a thesis and
dread the thought of using Microsoft Word, this is where an internet
search found LyX. I've been experimenting with it a have come to really
appreciate the power of the program. I found a document class called
'book (mwbk)' that is almost an exact match for  the formatting
requirements  of my University. I'm trying to find documentation for
this document class but I can only find documentation in polish. Does
anyone have English documentation? 

Second, if there is no English documentation. Does anyone have help for
modifying the page numbers and the vertical spacing of chapters? I've
tried the fancyhdr package but there is never headings printed on the
first pages including toc, lof, and lot and the subsequent body
numbering is inconsistent. This is where some documentation would he

Thanks in advance for any help.


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