On Thu, 21 Dec 2006 08:24:44 +0100
Gunnar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi.
> Not really lyx related but someone might perhaps know how to produce nice eps 
> drawings of a volume of rotation. You know the kind of picture you usually 
> find in your calculus textbook where the graph of f(x)  rotates around the 
> x-axis.

I would suggest a CAS program like Maple.  If you want a free (as in beer)
alternative, you could use wxmaxima, which is actually pretty good.  MuPAD
used to do a very nice job of graphics, but I haven't used it since they
started charging. 

If you want mathematical help in setting up the graphics, ask me off-list.


David L. Johnson

   __o   | Let's not escape into mathematics.  Let's stay with reality. -- 
 _`\(,_  | Michael Crichton  
(_)/ (_) | 

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