--- Steve Litt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm writing a short book called "Troubleshooting:
> Just the Facts". The 
> intention is to make it an Ebook that can be printed
> and staple bound by the 
> customer, if so desired. I use skip rather than
> indentation to separate 
> paragraphs, and I think I'll probably keep it that
> way.
> Right now the body text is justified, which is the
> default in the Book 
> document class. Occasionally (maybe once every
> couple pages) something 
> doesn't fit right and sticks out into the right
> margin. 
> It occurred to me that I might just make it ragged
> right, but smarter people 
> than me argue both sides of that question.
> So what do you all think? Justified or ragged right?

It depends :)  I think that there was some research in
the 1980s suggesting that ragged is easier to read.  

I think, though, that it may depend on the width of
the paper.  I was having the devil of a time reading a
research proposal my boss had handed me. It is
justified and takes up almost the entire page. 
Margins  are only about 1.4 cm left and right.  

Out of frustration, I finally did a cut & paste from
Word to Lyx and set it in a two column format (APA)
which is easy to read albeit justified.   

I think the wider the text the more useful ragged is
since it serves as a cue to where the eyes are to move
left after reaching the end of the line of text.

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