On Wednesday 28 March 2007 11:33, N.W. England wrote:
> I am trying to export a lyx file to latex, and it seems impossible.
> I have tried file->export->latex which results in the status bar displaying
> "(buffer-output latex)" but no file being created and the contents not in
> the clipboard.
> if I type "lyx -export latex <file.lyx>" then it displays a lot of text
> including that it has written ~/file.tex, but the file is not there.
> I can do lyx -export text/dvi/pdf etc and it works fine. -export tex
> results in a format not known error.
> I presume I am doing something stupid as lyx will happily convert to a
> latex file on the way to anything else, but it seems impossible to get it
> to output the actual latex file.
> Thanks!
> (and I have tried searching the mail archives but couldn't find anyone else
> with this problem)
> - Nick England

Hi Nick,

Humor me, and just for fun, in the directory from which you were running lyx, 
type this command:

ls -ltr

Look at the bottom of the displayed info and see what files you see there.

Another possibility -- do it a step at a time.

rm myfile.dvi
rm myfile.ps
rm myfile.pdf
lyx --export dvi myfile.lyx
dvips -o myfile.ps myfile.dvi
ps2pdf myfile.ps
gv ps2pdf

In the preceding, you can find out which step is failing.


Steve Litt
Author: Universal Troubleshooting Process books and courseware

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