
I have a (subversion-managed) documentation project. The different
chapters are maintained in sub subdirectories. They have to \usepackage
some custom LaTeX packages, which are part of the project and maintained
in a "share" folder:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [~/svnunix/stud/ose-2007/doc]>find .
< and so on>

./share/preamble contains the common preamble that is  input'ed into
chap1.lyx, chap2.lyx and so on. It performs the \usepackage{pst-featdiag}

Now I am looking for some way to make this self contained -- in the
sense that it shall compile "out of the box". In particular I do not
want users to have to install the pst-featdiag package or to add the
"share" folder manually to their TEXINPUTS path.

1) Is there some way, either LyX or LaTeX, to let the document itself
specify extensions to TEXINPUTS? Something like:


2) If there isn't such way available, I would consider this as a great
feature for LyX. Any thoughts about that?



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