John Kane wrote:
> I noticed that there is an export option for LyX to
> OOo Writer. 
> I gave it a try and Lyx seemed to do something but I
> don't see any output file.  Am I missing something
> here? 
> I tried a TeX export on the same document and it
> seemed to work fine.
The problem is likely that oolatex---which is the external converter
we're using---has changed from producing the old .sxw files to producing
the new .odt files. A patch for this is in svn now, but I don't think it
made it into beta 3, and it's definitely not in 1.4.x. To fix yourself,
go into Tools>Preferences>Formats, and look at the Latex -> OpenOffice
converter. Change the extension to odt. That will hopefully do it.


Richard G Heck, Jr
Professor of Philosophy
Brown University
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