I did try uploading twice, with the same result.
Le 1 juin 07 à 18:08, Bennett Helm a écrit :

On Jun 1, 2007, at 11:46 AM, Jean Kaplan wrote:

Thanks for the new release, but

On my Mac PPC, with mac os X 10.4.9, the disk image does not get mounted (see the diagnostic window attached, in french , it says that LyX-1.5.0rc1-Mac.dmg has not been recognized)

Hmmm.... Everything works fine on my end with the original .dmg on both PPC and Intel Macs, so I suspect it's a file corruption issue in transferring the file to the server. Unfortunately, the server isn't letting me download it now (Firefox alternately gives me the following errors: "550 Failed to change directory" or "421 There are too many connected users").

Jean-Marc: can you try uploading again?


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