On Saturday 23 June 2007 18:11, Wolfgang Engelmann shared this with us all:
>--} Am Freitag, 22. Juni 2007 20:56 schrieb Paul A. Rubin:
>--} Thanks, Paul,
>--} > No.  Find the 'preferences' file in your home directory (might be
> under --} > .lyx on a Linux system -- I'm on Windoze, so I'm not sure). 
> Open it --} > with an editor (presumably not LyX) and find the file
> section.  There --} > should be an entry labeled \tempdir_path.  Delete it,
> save the file, and --} > try to start LyX.  This should revert you to the
> original /tmp.  This --} > works with 1.5.0rc1, but I'm pretty sure it's
> the same on 1.4.4. --}
>--} that worked;
>--} however, the reason I changed to another path (/home/wolfgang/lyx-tmp)
> was --} that my /tmp in root is a separate partition and has not enough
> space. So --} this helps for the time being, but is not a permanent
> solution. But I am sure --} that it should work under the Lyx settings.
> Does my directory
>--} in  /home/wolfgang/ has to be /tmp, because Lyx is looking for that
> kind? --}
>--} This is my entrance in the /-lyx/preferences file:
>--} #
>--} # FILE SECTION ######################################
>--} #
>--} \tempdir_path "/home/wolfgang/Lyx-tmp/"
>--} it was already there (since I had changed it before troubles started).
>--} So I got Lyx to work again due to your help, but need another hint
>--} >
>--} > I'm a bit fuzzy on what you did (and why it went wrong).  The
>--} > cannot-create message suggests either a nonexistent path or a
>--} > permissions problem.
>--} The /tmp directory in my Debian Linux OS is under root, but permits
> reading --} and writing in the containing subdirs
>--} > Again, I'm not a Linux user (although I have
>--} > fooled around with it in the past), but doesn't /tmp/lyx_tmpdir...
> imply --} > that tmp is mounted at the root level?  (Apologies if I flubbed
> the --} > terminology there.)  If I were using a local temp directory, I
> would --} > have assumed it would look like /home/tmp or /user/<me?>/tmp.
> --} /home/wolfgang/Lyx-tmp/
>--} need
>--} /home/wolfgang/tmp/ ??
>--} Any Linux user there who knows?
>--} Wolfgang

I have never seen the problems you describe above, in any version of Lyx.

I am using Lyx 1.4.4 in Debian Lenny on this lappy at the moment, and that 
version in Debian Etch on another laptop.

After installing Lyx, since I first began using it, on each occasion, create 
a /home/charlie/Lyx directory. Within this directory is one for backup, one 
for templates one for Lyx about itself, a temp file, usually 
called /home/charlie/Lyx/sometimes or something else. Then a directory for 
each topic or purpose I use Lyx for, and this is all placed in the Paths 
dialogue from with Lyx.

From this point on, I just work with Lyx.

Hope that helps you.

Registered Linux User:- 329524
If you know, say you know. If you don't know, say you don't 
know. -------------- Confucius


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