Dave Hewitt schrieb:

I downloaded the latest LyxWinInstaller (complete) and attempted to install on a WinXP machine (fairly new, plenty or memory and speed, etc.). At a couple points in the installation a DOS window popped up, did something that seemed to take only a short time, but then stayed there and wouldn't close. The installer was halted during this time. For each window I just waited a while and then closed it.

Don't do this! The first two DOS-Windows are opened by MiKTeX - the LaTeX-distribution that is installed with the complete installer. They should only stay for some seconds and then be closed automatically. When the installer shows you the message that "The following configuration of LyX will take a while" then a Console window pops up showing you the effort of the configuration. When you have an open internet connection, missing LaTeX-packages needed by LyX will be downloaded and installed what can take some Minutes, depending on your Internet connection speed. The console window shows you what LaTeX-package is currently installed to inform you about the progress.

To get a clean installation, uninstall LyX completely will all progtrams that the unistaller offers to uninstall. Reinstall LyX afterwards (with an open internet connection if possible). When you had already MiKTeX installed before you installed LyX and it was version MiKTeX 2.4.xxxx, uninstall also MiKTeX before you reinstall LyX.

When you still have problems, report me at which position in the console window the installation fails or stops (screenshot of the console window would be fine).

regards Uwe

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