David Hewitt wrote:
> Filippo Zangheri-2 wrote:
>>>>> [1] I suggest correcting the alignment mismatch in a more drastic way:
>>>>> in "moderncv.cls" around line 333 the \cvline command is defined like
>>>>> this:
>>>>> \newcommand*{\cvline}[3][.25em]{%
>>>>> after the second line you can add the following line:
>>>>> \vspace*{-1.1em}
>>>>> so that the entire command definition looks like this:
>>>>> <LaTeX>
>>>>> \newcommand*{\cvline}[3][.25em]{%
>>>>>           \vspace*{-1.1em}% fixes an alignment mismatch between first 
>>>>> leftmark
>>>>> and related text
>>>>>   \else%
>>>>>     \\[#1]\fi%
>>>>>   \raggedleft\hintfont{#2} &#3}
>>>>> </LaTeX>
>>>>> Now you can avoid putting all those "Space: <something>" after each
>>>>> Section title.
>>>> There's the need for a precisation.
>>>> Actually, my "drastic" correction is useful only either if you will
>>>> always
>>>> use LyX to write moderncv
>>>> documents, or if you will always append 1 or 2 empty lines after every
>>>> \section{} entry in your
>>>> plaintext moderncv documents, e.g.
>>>> something like this:
>>>> <LaTeX>
>>>> \section{Professional Experience}
>>>>   \cventry{Jul--Aug 2007}{foo}{bar}{?}{?}{?}
>>>> </LaTeX>
>>>> wouldn't work with my correction, but you would need to write this:
>>>> <LaTeX>
>>>> \section{Professional Experience}
>>>>   \cventry{Jul--Aug 2007}{foo}{bar}{?}{?}{?}
>>>> </LaTeX>
>>>> <LaTeX>
>>>> \section{Professional Experience}\\
>>>>   \cventry{Jul--Aug 2007}{foo}{bar}{?}{?}{?}
>>>> </LaTeX>
>>>> Under these 2 circumstances one can safely add my correction.
>>> Nice work.
>>> Some of the problem(s) with the \cvline specification in this class file
>>> have been noted in the Bug (at least in part):
>>> http://bugzilla.lyx.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4415
>>> Xavier, the maintainer of moderncv, is aware of some of these things. I'd
>>> suggest that you flip him a condensed version of these two points and let
>>> him incorporate them, particularly the error on line 367. I'd prefer not
>>> to
>>> offer class file hacks on the wiki as a solution for formatting when
>>> there
>>> are other options and Xavier is working on them. However, the fix on line
>>> 367 is a good spot, and it's documented here if people need it until
>>> Xavier
>>> fixes it.
>> Patch correcting "line 366 bug" was submitted to Xavier.
>> I agree with about everything you say, but the first issue (line 333) is
>> not a
>> LaTeX-related issue, as it emerges only if you use LyX -- which adds blank
>> lines for readability. For this reason I'm not mentioning this to Xavier.
>> Am I wrong?
> I had to go back and check.  ;)  Paul Rubin is the one that spotted the
> hiccup related to the \cvline definition in moderncv. If you follow the
> thread on the bug report at bugzilla, it appears that \cvline can be
> redefined to avoid the problem (inside OR outside of LyX). Thus, the first
> issue does appear to be a general LaTeX issue. And Xavier is already aware
> of it, but I don't know if he's done anything with it yet.

All right, what I read in the bug report is reasonable: if a couple of
empty lines make the class behave in an unwanted way, this means
that the class itself is broken!

I'm not very good in [La]TeX, but I'll try to experiment new solutions..


Filippo Zangheri

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