Olivier Ripoll wrote:
I have the problem you describe with the 1.6svn : I can't open files saved with an other version of LyX, even the doc files. Since I have Inkscape, I copied the three files you mentioned ... to no avail. Up to now, if I want to open files from the 1.6 but not from my version, I must change the version number in the file with a text editor...
It is not very difficult, but if I can have another solution ...

Thank you in advance... I am only a LyX user and I don't really practice python.


Hi Siegfried,

I am using 0.46 versions of inkscape (well, pre3, pre4 and the final from today). The 0.46 binary is now available. The link on inkscape web site say 0.46 but points to 0.45 at present, so check this place instead:
That could be something to try if you are still using 0.45.

As follow-up for people who would have the same problem:
I have sent the 3 .py files from inkscape 0.46 to Siegried. He confirmed that LyX 1.6-pre-alpha now works fine (also, the download link on Inkscape web page now correctly points to the intaller of 0.46).


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