On 18.05.08, Tomi Makkonen wrote:
> Hi!

> How do I force lyx to keep group of numbered equations together with
> the text? Now I have first equation with the text and then 2 figures
> and 2 tables (2 pages) later the equations will continue. Those
> equations happen to be most importance in the text so it is not
> acceptable. 

>From your description I infere that 

1. there is a page break somewhere between the "equations + describing
   text" block.
2. there are 2 pages with floats only inserted inbetween.   

Do you want 

a) the float-pages at another place but keep the pagebreak, or 

b) the "equations + describing text" block on one page?

You can achieve a) by one of

  * moving the float boxes behind the equations-block place in lyx
  * change the placement settings of the offending floats (right click
    on the float button).
  * changing float parameters in the preamble, so that more (or larger)
    floats fit on a page and no extra page is created. (See the recent
    thread about "pathetic floats".)

You can achieve b) by 

  * moving the equations and their description inside a mini-page box.
    This is LaTeX' way of forcing stuff to keep together. With the
    box-width set to textwidth, the minipage will not be visible in the
    output (except for 1. no pagebreaks and 2. footnotes inside the

Hope this helps


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