Willem van Engen wrote:

LyX has been a real blessing, thanks a lot! Now I've come across a
problem that I don't know how to solve, maybe you can help me here.

I'm using tikz/pgf in ERT to create graphics, and in one of them I use
an external data file to create a plot. I'd really like to use pgf to
add annotations and other imagery. Simple example:

          % axes
          \draw (-2, 0) -- ( 2, 0);
          \draw ( 0,-2) -- ( 0, 2);
          \draw (0,1.9) node[anchor=east]{$M$};
          \draw (1.9,0) node[anchor=north]{$H_0$};
          % magnetic curve
          \draw[thick, solid, domain=-2:2]
             plot file{images/plotdata/langevin.table};

But this doesn't work, since LyX doesn't know that it should copy the
file images_plotdata_langevin.table. And if LyX's copying-scheme would
be used, even the file command itself should point to
images_plotdata_langevin.table instead (but not for LaTeX export if I'm
right). Is there a way to achieve this, or should I just start over
again and use gnuplot instead?

- Willem

It occurs to me that a simpler solution might be to put an absolute reference to the file in the ERT. LyX still will not copy it to the temp directory, but it won't need to.

The coffee apparently has not kicked in yet.


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