On 13.06.08, Pavel Sanda wrote:

> > * Hyphenation and babel generated strings (like "Chapter" or "Table of
> >   Contents") depend on the setting of "greek" vs. "polutonikogreek".
> > 
> >   Just greek language is *not* enough!

> i have just tried it and don't see what you mean. i took
> polutonikogreek-test-campbell.lyx added "Part" environment once in
> "Greek" once in "polutonikogreek" languages as implicit language and in
> both cases i got greek translation of "Part" and title.

Just have a look at the definition of the names in greek.ldf and you
will see the different definitions for polutonikogreek::

   \def\alsoname{bl'epe >ep'ishs}%

(finding out the definition for monotonic greek is left as an exercise
to the reader ;-)

> > > that when accent-tilde is used with some char, it does not produce
> > > 'single' character but it produces combined unicode character (i.e.
> > > accent char+normal char). iirc this is correct from the unicode point
> > > of view - single accented char is equivalent to combining char + normal
> > > letter. this works on the screen, however utf8x is not able to decode
> > > the second case unless we use \unicodecombine macro in tex output.
> > 
> > This it the situation with accent-tilde under utf8 input encodings
> > (utf8 as well as utf8x) where a combining-char + char is translated to 
> > "<combining-char>{<char>}".
> > 
> > In "traditional" 7 or 8 bit encodings, it is exported to LaTex as
> > "\<accent>{<char>}" which works well with "greek" but results in wrong
> > output with "polutonikogreek".

> is there some reason to use 7-8 bit encodings when we have utf8x?


* keep to latex standard instead of manually setting an encoding in lyx
* compatibility, no need to install the ucs package
* speed and memory usage
* correct handling of combining chars e.g. produced by lfuns accent-*.


* unicode chars from the Greek Extended table do not work.

  However, you can use the "active chars" defined by polutonikogreek
  in combination with "normal" greek letters to get accented chars.

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