I am preparing a report using book(KOMA script) class.
After the Title page, I write 
   TOC  (insert - list/TOC - Table of Contents)
   List of Figures (insert -list/TOC - List of Figures)
also I put another list (List of Examples), by writing ERT
   \renewcommand\listfigurename{List of Examples}

In the chapter text, I write Example 1.1... Example 1.2...etc
by writing ERT

\subsection*{Example \arabic{chapter}.\arabic{example}}

\subsection*{Example \arabic{chapter}.\arabic{example}}

But the result,..Example #.# always under List of Figures. Actually what
I want, Example #.# under the List of Examples.

I am just stuck, hoping LyX people suggest ideas.


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