On 15.08.2008, at 21:12, Rudi Gaelzer wrote:

I'd like to generate a PDF file where the figures/images are not incorporated into it, but rather have links that points to external image files (jpeg, eps, and whatnot).

Doing that, I can restrict the size of each individual size instead of generating a large PDF file
with everything in it...

Is it possible to do something like this using LyX/LaTeX?

Hi Rudi,

I am not sure if I understand your question correctly:

(1) Do want to have links in the PDF (like URLs) the user can click onto to open the (external) material, which can be an image or whatever? Well, this can be achieved with the hyperref LaTeX package and LyX's built-in support for simple URLs (Insert->URL). More sophisticated things are possible with using hyperref commands in ERT. Take a look at the LyX manuals and the hyperref package documentation.

(2) Or do you want the figures to be visible in the PDF, but nevertheless loaded from external files when the PDF file is opened (like an external graphics in Word)? I have never seen something like this. To my best knowledge, PDF files have to be self-contained. So this is most probably not possible.


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