RGH wrote:
Andrés Becerra Sandoval wrote:

I have been fighting a little bit to create a layout for exam

So far I have a *small* layout with two styles, one for questions and
another for solutions. In the jpg attached you can see the output
generated by latex for the small example exam.lyx.

As you can see in lyx, the numbering of the questions is reseted when
a different style (solution) is inserted betwenn two questions,
howeber the latex output is numbering correctly the questions. How can
this be solved?

I'm not sure if there is a solution to this problem at present. I've seen this behavior myself, though, with other layouts, and thought there ought to be an equivalent to LaTeX's /numberwithin sort of command. I don't believe LyX has that yet, though. I'd be receptive to an enhancement request on bugzilla, though, if you want to file one. You can cc me on it, to make sure I see it. I'm guessing, in fact, that JMarc could do this pretty quickly.

There's a way (in LyX 1.5.6), but the cure may be worse than the disease. The solution I found is:

(a) change the Question style from LatexType Command to LatexType Environment;
(b) change the Question style from LabelType Enumerate to LabelType Counter;
(c) add 'LabelString \arabic{question}.' to the Question style;
(d) copy Style --Separator-- from stdlayouts.inc into your layout;
(e) when inserting a Solution, nest it under the Question it solves; and (here comes the painful part)
(f) insert a --Separator-- environment after each Question.

I'm attaching hacked copies of the layout and .lyx files.

#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass{exam}
# exam textclass definition file.
# Author : Andrés Becerra ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

# General textclass parameters
Format 4
        Columns                 1
        Sides                   1
        SecNumDepth             -1
        TocDepth                -1

# Standard style definition
Style Standard
        Margin                  Static
        LatexType               Paragraph
        LatexName               dummy
        ParIndent               MM
        ParSkip                 0.4
        Align                   Block
        AlignPossible           Block, Left, Right, Center
        LabelType               No_Label

Input stdcounters.inc

        Name                    question

Style Question
        Margin                  Dynamic
#       LatexType               Command
  LatexType Environment
        LatexName               question
        OptionalArgs            1
        ParSkip                 0.4
        Align                   Block
#       LabelType               Enumerate
        LabelType               Counter
  LabelString \arabic{question}.
        LabelCounter            question
          Series                Bold
          Color                 Blue

Style Solution
        Margin                  Dynamic
        LatexType               Environment
        LatexName               solution
        OptionalArgs            1
        ParSkip                 0.4
        Align                   Block
        LabelType               Static
        LabelString             "solution:"
          Series                Bold

Style --Separator--
        KeepEmpty             1
        Margin                Dynamic
        LatexType             Paragraph
        LatexName             dummy
        ParIndent             MM
        Align                 Block
        AlignPossible         Block
        LabelType             Static
        LabelString           "--- Separate Environment ---"
          Family              Roman
          Series              Medium
          Size                Normal
          Color               Blue

Attachment: exam.lyx
Description: application/lyx

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