I have checked my installation of ImageMagick: 6.3.3.
Most elements are in the .usr/local/lib
Maybe I installed it when I installed the full MacTeX package containing the
texlive2007 package.

Now, since I am a totally beginner in the Lyx and Latex arena (I have been
using, LyX for 3 weeks), I am not sure about what are the right ways for
uninstalling/installing LaTeX packages and additional software.
Perhaps I could do the two operations through the i-Installer? However I
have just checked it for ImageMagick and it says that ImageMagick is being
updated and then is not available. Maybe I could download it from
http://www.imagemagick.org/? But then how could I uninstall the present
version and install the new one?
Sorry, but since I am used only to uninstall ordinary applications by moving
them from the Application folder to the Trash, which is not the case with
ImageMagick, I am unsure about how to uninstall ImageMagick and then
reinstall it.

2008/8/25 Bennett Helm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 3:11 PM, Pierfranco Minsenti <
>> This is the message I get in Terminal after launching the command you
>> suggested:
>> $ convert -version
>> dyld: convert can't open library: /usr/X11R6/lib/libXext.6.dylib  (No such
>> file or directory, errno = 2)
>> Trace/BPT trap
> That you have problems with convert (which is from imagemagick) shows that
> the problem is not with LyX but with imagemagick. Perhaps you should try
> reinstalling imagemagick and see if that works. (How did you install it in
> the first place?)
> Bennett

Pierfranco Minsenti
Università Ca' Foscari
Tel. +39 041/234.5707
Fax +39 041/234.5742

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