Hi all!

Don't know whether this is the correct place to drop ideas but I have
some questions/ideas/wishes. I am not really a programmer so I don't
know what it would take to implement these ideas. In addition I am very
new to LyX. I started using it a couple of weeks ago. So my ideas might
just be a beginners perception which changes in time by gaining more
control and experience over the program.

I wonder if it is a good idea to:

* Put an explicit link to the "Output size settings" (Embedded Objects
document) in the Users Guide which will save time to Beginners wondering
why the figures exceed page margins in the output pdf.

* I like LyX a lot. However, I feel that the necessity to use the
Environment's drop down menu the whole time to assign an environment is
time waisting and in the end it turns to become anti-productive
especially if one works upon a big document. I had no doubt that there
are key-shortcuts but it was not so easy to find them initially
(...where is the "Reference Manual" whis is mentioned in the User's
Guide, section 2.6 [1] ?). So, what about:

(a) explain in the User's Guide [1] the way to assign common
environments or link in a table where all this stuff is described 

(b) implement a Format Paintbrush tool (like in OpenOffice). Key
shortcuts are the fastest way in my humble opinion to work with document
processing tools. Yet, a Format Paintbrush tool is makes life easy: you
just select the environment of your interest, "scan" your document and
format let's say Section titles one by one.

Kind regards,

[1] In Section 2.6: Basic Key Bindings --- By the way: I read in this
section, in the final sentence of the pre-last paragraph: "...so “M-p
S-A” means Meta-p followed by a capital A." Was it meant to be
"...followed by a Shift-A"?

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