Nikos Alexandris schrieb:

How can I solve this?

Here's the reply from the hyperref developer:

> Hyperref supports UTF-8 (inputenc's utf8 or utf8x).
> Otherwise you can use package stringenc:
> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage[unicode]{hyperref}
> \usepackage{stringenc}
> \usepackage[iso-8859-7]{inputenc}
> \begingroup
>   \renewcommand*{\pdfstringdef}[2]{%
>    \StringEncodingConvert\temp{\detokenize{#2}}{iso-8859-7}{utf16be}%
>    \xdef#1{\string^^fe\string^^ff\temp}%
>  }%
>  \hypersetup{%
>    pdftitle={...}% String in encoding ISO-8859-7
>  }%

So the easiest way is to use for your LyX document the utf8 encoding in the documents settings under language.

regards Uwe

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