Patrick Camilleri wrote:

Though I find LaTeX + LyX to be a very good typesetting system, I don’t understand all this bashing at other word processors in your ‘Introduction to LyX’ document. In my opinion if one took at least ¼ the amount of time one needed to learn LaTeX, one would find out that modern Word Processors
are indeed very capable tools.

I agree with Patrick's points. This is why I created the "LyX users and developers" facebook group to supersede the LyX group with a Word-bashing name.

I choose LyX as my writing system but both approaches have their respective merits. LyX+Latex isn't without it's problems. My recent attempts modify the format of things like section titles reminded me of using Linux in the early 90s - i.e. hours and hours spent doing something that would take minutes in other systems.

Obviously most word processors now have styles, for example. Ironically, the buggy and inconsistent styles support in Open Office 0.9x was one of the things made me investigate LyX. I presume that this shortcoming has been fixed now.

-- Michael Reed -- technology, gender, and geek culture 
freelance writer

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