Peleg Michaeli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
> Hello!

> It looks like - and it's like that for at least a year now - that I
> cannot create key-bindings using C (the ctrl button), but only using M
> (the alt button). 

Keybindings can be configured in the LyX GUI since 1.6. (available from

Which keybindings emulation (cua.bind, emacs.bind, ...)

> For example:

> \bind "M-m 7" "math-insert \psi"

> is working great.

> \bind "C-g y"              "math-insert \psi"

> is not working at all.

Could be a keybindings clash.

> And I even tried this cute one:

> \bind "ψ"     "math-insert \psi"

> Which is also not working.

This cannot work, as the key-name argument to \bind must be in ASCII.
(You would have to find out the name used by QT for psi.)

However, you could adapt the unicodesymbols file (place a copy in
~/.lyx/unicodesymbols) and change

- 0x03c8 "\\textgreek{y}"           "textgreek" "" # GREEK SMALL LETTER PSI
+ 0x03c8 "\\textgreek{y}"           "textgreek" "" "mathalpha" "\\psi" # GREEK 

and you should be able to use an unicode ψ in math (untested).


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