On 2009-01-20, rgheck wrote:
> ahostmadsen wrote:
>> Is it possible to paste latex code into LyX? I don't mean in a tex
>> field, but so that LyX translates the Latex code to LyX, similar to
>> what happens when you import a Latex file? 

> No, you can't do this. It'd be nice, to be sure, but it's far from a 
> simple problem.

> What you can do is...

>> take the code and make it into a full latex document by adding things,
>> import to LyX, and then copy and paste, but that seems cumbersome.

b) use the tex2lyx command with option -p on a file with incomplete LaTeX
   (you will need to specify the documentclass with -c too),

c) for Math (and only math): paste "normally", select and press Ctrl-M:
   LyX will convert it into math in a math-box.

d) for your old LaTeX files: let lyx convert
   everything into a lyx file in a batch job.

z) Finally: file an enhancement request at bugzilla.lyx.org


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